FPM Monthly Update – November 2020

Hello Family,

The seasonal switch is upon us and our clocks have fallen back. The weather is shifting and the plants are adapting much like we are.

Two of our Family Power Music founders (Anthony Makovec and Nick Ramsey) live in southeastern Wisconsin where it’s been in the 30-50s. Our third founder (Joshua Gill-Sutton) lives in northern California where he’s enjoying slightly warmer weather in the 60-80s. Although the temperatures are quite different, we currently share in similar health and economic climates. Both states have shown growing pandemic numbers, small business loss, and major operating restrictions. Words like “isolation” and “quarantine” have become regular vocabulary. Many of us have drastically lessened our time with friends and family and those much needed warm embraces. We miss seeing and being with you all. Please know that we are in this together and will come out stronger in the end.

It is very important to remember that a community’s well-being begins with us, individually and collectively. We need to be giving our bodies meals rich in nutrition, adequate rest, and proper hydration. We need to be exercising on a regular basis physically, mentally, and spiritually in the ways that we’ve found work best for us. When our personal temple is balanced, we can better provide to the outside. As respectful neighbors, we welcome growth through giving in whatever ways we’re able. Smile and acknowledge one another. Share your garden produce and lovingly crafted meals. Have thoughtful conversations and listen more than you talk. Support your local businesses whenever possible. Care for your environment in, around, and far beyond your respective dwellings. These are all good starting points that we try to practice ourselves as artists and business owners.

Last month we added a couple of new products to our webstore:

1) Black and gold color option to our previously released FPM hooded sweatshirts

2) Downloadable J-Scribe single, “Going For Mine” which features Bay Area emcee, OneWerd.

FPM artist J-Scribe

We are continuing to build up our inventory of products and we truly appreciate all the support that our family has given us during this time of so many unknowns.

*Black and gold FPM hoodie
*J-Scribe single “Going For Mine”

We love you all and hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones. We are so very thankful for our family!

Would you like us to host an amazing event or facilitate a super cool workshop? Contact us! * Visit our e-store to pickup some awesome merch! * Check out our calendar for upcoming events! Dismiss